Ms. Stein's Teacher Page -- 7th and 8th Grade ELA

Be Scholarly ThumbnailBe Kind Thumbnail
Fourth Quarter News 

Dear Students and Families -

Wow!  At times, it felt like it would be impossible, but we are now two thirds of the way through Lord of the Flies.  Students have been learning about Conflict, Symbolism and Characterization and will soon work on Theme.  Good times! Seventh graders have finished The Giver.

Here are some Spring updates, in no particular order:

  • Attendance:  Our principal, Ms. Sandoval, has asked teachers to forward a list of students who have frequent tardies to our classes.  I am completing the process in the next few days for students who have been tardy or cut more than 5 days since the start of the Fourth Quarter (March 18).
  • Late Policy:  The new late policy has been successful.  Students have the ability to submit late work without penalty by the Tuesday following the original due date.  After that, a point will be deducted from the earned score for each day late.  Projects and essays will not be accepted late except by prior arrangement or during work sessions with me.  If you have questions or comments, please contact me. 
  • Our Field Trip:  Our study trip to the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park is scheduled for April 30.  Thank you to all the parents who have gone through the effort and expense to be cleared as a Tier 2 Volunteer.  We could not do this without your commitment and support.  
  • Testing:  Spring Testing (CAASPP) will happen during the week of May 13.  Schedules are still being developed and I will give you more details when I have them.  There will also be one final administration of the NWEA Map reading test - dates to be announced - to measure students' reading growth.  
  • Finally, 8th Grade Activities: The PTSA and 8th Grade Parents Committee have met twice to plan 8th grade end-of-year events.  The next event is the Chipotle Fundraiser on April 10 from 5 to 9 pm.  See the website (calendar or PTSA page) for details. 

Thanks for your continued support.  Please contact me anytime with questions.

Ms. Stein

posted 3/27/24

Hall Passes for the Restroom:
Students should try to use the restroom during break, lunch and passing periods. New for Fourth Quarter:  Students who come to class late will not be given a pass to the restroom except in an emergency. Otherwise, students will not be given a pass to the restroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class, and I will ask to see progress on work before they go.
Thank you thumbnail
  • Thank you for removing caps and hoodies as you enter class.
  • Thank you for putting your cell phone, earphones and airpods in your backpack during class.
  • Thank you for putting them away when reminded.
  • Thank you for having your planner and class materials and supplies handy and being ready to work.
  • Thank you for being kind.
  • Check the Campus Cell Phone Policy here:Campus Cell Phone Policy

Welcome to third quarter! Now that we're halfway through the year, students are back in the swing of learning and completing assigned class work.   Turning work in on time is an important academic skill and we're going to focus on that this quarter.  Therefore, there will be some minor changes this quarter in the way that I accept late and makeup work.  Checking canvas and Aeries regularly will help students observe these deadlines.

  • Regular formative class assignments (usually valued at 5 points) will be accepted until the following Monday with no deduction for tardiness. Otherwise, there will be a deduction of one or two points depending on how late the assignment is. Please contact me if you feel you need an extension.
  • Makeup work after an absence will be accepted after discussion with the student and/or their parents.  
  • Summative assessments (projects and essays)  will not lose points for late work.  However, they will only be accepted up to one week after the first deadline.

 Thank you for your understanding  and cooperation as we move toward a successful finish to the year.


Greetings Everyone -

Here are a few updates for this crazy week. I am also posting as a Canvas announcement. 

  • Progress Report Grades are due to the office on Wednesday, November 15.  Please check Aeries for your current grade and see if you can make-up any missing assignments.
  • Seventh Grade: We are currently working on a four-paragraph essay.  The goal is to finish it by December 15.
    • If students are absent or fall behind, I will ask them to make-up the work at home and/or come afterschool to finish the assignment.
  • Eighth Grade is currently working on a poster exploring the character traits of a Trickster in literature.  This will be followed by a highly-scaffolded BCR identifying the trickster character in their poster. 
  • Cell phones and devices, hats/hoods and bringing food and drink into the classroom continue to be problems.  I would like to ask for your support in reminding your students to keep these items "out of sight, out of mind" during class and to not bring them out in while in the classroom.

Students, please remember to be scholarly and kind as we wrap up the second quarter and the year.




Ms. Stein

News - Week of 10/3
All families:  check your email or the website for Ms. Sandoval's newest newsletter.  
8th Grade Families:  We have finished our second expository reading unit about Lying and students have submitted the final poster project identifying, illustrating and explaining the three main types of lies.  We have begun work on the StudySync unit, "A Moral Compass" by reading the short story, "Abuela Invents the Zero." We will continue this unit by learning about Theme and Thematic statements before we move on to the next short story, "Home."  Students should all have a copy of the consumable workbook and should bring it to class daily. I will continue to post on Canvas for students who are absent or need to finish work at home. 
7th Grade Families:  we have finished "Barrio Boy" and students have submitted their final project for that selection, a letter to the teacher or main character in the story.  We are now working on another memoir selection, The Other Side of the Sky. Students are also continuing to practice vocabulary and reading if they finish early in class. 
Reminder: Signed syllabus half-sheet is due Wed., Aug. 30.  I want to check for (and supplement) school supplies Wednesday, as well. Thanks!
A Few Items for Ms. Stein's class:
School Supplies Thumbnail

Suggested School Supplies

  • Folder or notebook for ELA only
  • One or two single subject spiral notebooks for ELA only
  • Blue or black pens for daily work
  • Pencils for sketching and drafting


  • Loose Leaf Paper
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Sticky Notes
  • Highlighters

Ms. Stein's 7th and 8th Grade ELA Curriculum 

8th Grade:   Note Changes

  • Unit 1 (first quarter): study of expository texts about Social Networking with a final essay.
  • Unit 2 (first, second quarter): study of expository texts about Lying with a final poster project.
  • Unit 3 (first, second quarters): StudySync unit, "A Moral Compass"
  • Unit 4 (second, third quarters): StudySync unit, "Suspense!
  • Unit 5 (third quarter): Lord of the Flies reciprocal reading unit

7th Grade: Still in the planning stage. Check back: 

  • Unit 1 (first quarter): Lifeskills; "In Pursuit," StudySync Unit 1
  • Unit 2 (first, second quarters): The Giver, by Lois Lowry
  • Unit 3 (second, third quarters): "The Powers that Be," StudySync, Unit 2
  • Unit 4 (third, fourth quarters): "Justice Served," StudySync, Unit 3


Behavior Guidelines:

  • Students will need a restroom/hall pass whenever leaving the classroom. They will bring the pass back to the teacher when they return. Unless it’s an emergency, no hall passes will be issued during the first or last ten minutes of a class period.
  • Cell phones, air pods (headphones) and other electronic devices shall be put away before entering the classroom and utilized only with teacher instruction.
  • Policies for behavior and hats/caps will be co-developed with students.
  • Reminders, conferences, "calm area" breaks and working with other supportive adults on campus will be utilized to support students. 


  • Homework will be posted on the homework board in class and on Canvas. Check regularly for deadline changes..
  • Planners will be utilized to track due dates.
  • Students should contact me with questions about content or time extensions.  
  • Canvas is required.


  • Students will be assigned a chromebook number for classroom use.  
  • Students must follow district appropriate use guidelines and take care of the device.
  • Chromebooks are available for home use.  Check the website for information.


Background image  Veronica  Stein`s profile picture
Veronica Stein
7th and 8th Grade ELA; Webmaster
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Office Hours and Small Group Help


Please contact Ms. Stein by phone or email
for Homework Help and Conferences
via Zoom, Phone or on campus.
Contact Ms. Stein:
Phone: (510)317-5563
Canvas for Parents/Guardians
Here's a video showing how to maximize your use of Canvas as a guardian. Please contact me for the Code you will need to "observe" your student: 
Technology Needs
If your student needs a Chromebook to complete school assignments, contact your teacher or the school office so one can be assigned.

Grade Scale:

A = 93-100%

A- = 90 - 92.99

B+ = 87-89.99

B = 83 - 86.99

B- = 80 - 82.99

C+ = 77-79.99%

C = 73 - 76.99

C- = 70 - 72.99\

D = 60-69%

F = 59% and below

NM = Failing score with low attendance