Physical Education
Clothing Pricing
$ 15 t-Shirts
$15 Shorts
$30 Sweatshirts (zip or hoodie)
$30 sweatpants
$7 locks for pe locker
$20 Manor Trucker Hat
$32 lock, t-shirt, shorts
Syllabus and Course Description
Course Description: Physical Education is the study and practice of human movement. Physical Education is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of a variety of physical activities. Throughout the year students will participate in a variety of activities including team sports, fitness activities, and lifetime sports while incorporating health concepts and making sure that state standards are met. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who will have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy activities.
Grade Policy:
Students will be graded in 3 categories.
1. Participation: 50% Up to 10 points can be earned each day in class based on participation, citizenship, and performance.
2. Dressing Out 25%: Students are required to dress out for class each day. Students will earn 10 points a day for wearing the proper attire. All students are required to purchase a wear a PE shirt. They will be for sale the first week of school during class, they are 10.00. No jeans, slides, slippers, boots, or any other shoe that is not a tennis shoe can be worn for class. Students also need to wear athletic shorts or sweatpants. Leggings are permitted but no jeggings. Students will lose 10 points a day if proper shoes are not worn, this is a safety issue. Students who do not dress out at all will also lose their 10pts for that day. Students will lose 5 points a day if they do not wear PE shirts or do not have on shorts or sweatpants.
3. Fitness 25%- Students will be assessed in a variety of ways throughout the year every Wednesday
Uniforms / Locker Rooms: 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students are responsible for DRESSING out in PE every day. Students will be assigned a locker to use for the year during their PE class. Students may not use a personal lock on their locker, it must be a school lock. Staff and administration must have access to all lockers. Students who choose to not use a lock understand that WMMS and its staff DO NOT assume any liability for stolen or misplaced items.
We highly encourage students to purchase a water bottle that they can use during class.
PE uniforms and locks are available for sale from the PE staff. Students can also purchase items individully. If writing a check, please make checks payable to WMMS Physical Education. Consult price list, above.
Homework / Medical Notes: Occasionally homework will be assigned. Missed assignments or days of physical activity must be made up or the student’s grade is affected. This includes all absences even if the absence is excused. Unexcused absences cannot be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work missed when they return. Doctor notes are accepted and honored for the time subscribed by the doctor. Parent/guardian notes are good for up to two days. Notes must be specific on the student’s limitations. Students will have the opportunity to make up absences through make-up activities or alternate assignments. Students with special medicine must inform the school and PE teacher of their condition and medicine must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.
State Mandated Physical Fitness Tests: Students will routinely practice CA State Physical Fitness Tests: Mile Run, Pushups, Curl Ups, Sit and Reach, Trunk Lift, and Shoulder Stretch.