School Site Council

The WMMS School Site Council (SSC) is the governing body of the school that meets once a month to review and vote on all programs that benefit students.  It is responsible for identifying school needs and allocating funds to support programs that respond to students' needs. This committee is made up of parents, students, classified staff, teachers and the principal.  All SSC meetings are open to the community.  

WMMS SSC meets in the school library or via Zoom every first Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm.

Join the Hybrid Zoom meeting at:


Our Next Meeting Agenda - April 11, 2024

Students grow and learn as members of a nurturing, equitable community that provides them with support and opportunities as they themselves strengthen the community through their words and actions.

School Site Council Agenda for Meeting

5 - 6:30 pm (note special time)

Washington Manor Middle School

Via ZOOM Hybrid Meeting


WMMS Library or

Join the meeting at:


Call to order


Roll Call 


Public comment * 


Call for additions/deletions to agenda^


Read/approve/correct minutes of previous meeting


Report of standing and special committees 

  • ELAC   
  • PTSA    
  • Student Leadership


Campus Climate Update


Review Dashboard Conclusions

  • Chronic Absenteeism
  • Suspension Rates


Review and Approve 2024 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)



Next Meeting: September 5, 2024

*Required Item on Agenda

*^”The council may not take any action on any item of business unless that item appeared on the posted agenda or unless the council members present, by unanimous vote, find that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the council subsequent to the posting of the agenda.”  Ed Code 35147