8th grade math

Students may access all assignments through their district Canvas page.
Students and parents can view student grades on Aeries, which will be updated weekly.  
To contact me, students may send a message through their Inbox on Canvas.
See attached syllabus for all grading policies.  
Families may email at:  [email protected]



Math 8


Mrs. Beth Watson                                                                     (510) 317-5530

2022-2023 School Year                                                             [email protected]



Welcome to Math 8.  This year we will be studying mathematics based on the 8th grade common core math standards for the State of California. Strong math skills are needed to succeed in high school, college, and the rest of your life!  This course will prepare students to take Integrated 1 (Math 1) as a freshman in high school. 



The textbook is Core Connections Course 3:  CPM.   Each student is responsible for his or her own book.  If it gets lost, stolen or damaged, there is a fee to replace the book.



The following materials should be brought to class on a daily basis.  Any student who needs assistance in obtaining these materials should see me ASAP.  (textbook does NOT need to be brought to school each day.) 

Folder for math only

Graph paper

Binder paper

Pencils with erasers

Red pen


Optional:  ruler, dry erase marker, glue stick or tape


The following is a list of materials that benefit the entire class.  All donations are greatly appreciated:


Hand sanitizer

Expo dry erase markers

Ticonderoga #2 pencils


GRADES will be weighted according to the following percentages:
10% weekly homework assignments
10% classwork (includes worksheets, warmups, folder checks, online practice)
10% weekly quizzes
70% summative assessments (chapter tests, projects that assess mastery of a topic, midyear assessment at the end of Quarter 2, final at the end of Quarter 4)
This year I will be using a standards-based grading rubric. All assignments will be given a score of 0-4 based upon mastery of the topic.
A homework assignment of 5 problems from the math text book will be assigned each Monday, and will be due Thursday. Late homework will be accepted up until the following Monday for reduced credit.
Homework each Thursday night is to study for the weekly quiz or test given on Friday. Online resources will be posted on Canvas each Thursday to help students in studying for their assessments. Students may have up to two attempts on each quiz.  Students may retake a Chapter Test by contacting me to set up an appointment and STUDYING for the retake.  Projects that do not show mastery may be redone for a higher score.  There are NO retakes on the midyear assessment or final, as these are district assessments. 
I use the Aeries Gradebook so students and their parent-guardians can view grades through the Aeries Family Portal or Aeries App. I update grades very regularly to help students stay on top of their progress throughout the year. All assignments will be posted on Canvas.   
Students are responsible for making up all work when absent. Assignments will be posted on Canvas so students can access them from home. I STRONGLY suggest that students keep up with assignments even when out sick (if possible).  If you are absent due to a school activity, you are responsible for getting the assignment ahead of time and turning it in when you return to class.  Missed tests and quizzes must be made up when the student returns to school.  Tests and quizzes may NOT be made up if school is missed due to a suspension. 
In mathematics, it is very important to get help as soon as it is needed. If students do not understand an assignment or topic, I expect them to do one or more of the following:
Ask questions in class
Reread their notes and the appropriate section in the textbook
Call a friend for help
Use the website homework.cpm.org for homework hints, or Google your question
See Mrs. Watson after school for help 
Be RESPONSIBLE for your own learning:
Be on time to class. Bring required materials to class daily. Do your work before it is due.  Cheating will result in zero credit for all participants and parent/guardian will be contacted.  The following are NOT ALLOWED OUT IN CLASS:  Cell phones, ear buds or air pods, food, drinks (other than water), or gum.    
Be RESPECTFUL of everyone and their property in the classroom:
This includes being respectful to the teacher, any substitutes, other classmates, and anyone else who enters the room. Do not talk when other people are talking. Speak in turn and assist your classmates whenever appropriate.  Put downs will not be tolerated. 
Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself at all times.  Walk in the classroom. 
***Logical and progressive consequences will follow if students choose not to follow the classroom rules. (For example: warning, seat change, student/teacher conference after class, time out in another classroom, parent contact, detention, office referral.)
I am looking forward to an educational and productive year. I believe that communication is the key to a great parent/ teacher relationship. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time via phone or email.  
-Mrs. Watson