Ms. Stein's Teacher Page -- 7th and 8th Grade ELA
Week 5 Notes - Progress Reports this Week (posted 9/8)
Hi -
Progress Reports are due to the office by Friday - students should analyze their scores on Aeries and Canvas to see whether they should submit anything.
- 8th Grade: My goal is to get all posters and summaries in the gradebooks by Thursday so that progress report grades will be as accurate as possible. New work will include: peer review of summaries and then reading the final article in the unit - Teens do their share of Lying.
- 7th Grade: My goal is to get all posters and summaries in the gradebooks by Thursday so that progress report grades will be as complete as possible. New work will include: peer review and rewriting of summaries and studying vocabulary for Great on
This week, specifically Monday, maybe Tuesday, students will be given an opportunity to finish their iReady diagnostic in Reading. If they have completed their reading diagnostic, they will be allowed to try the independent lessons for instruction. Note - They will finish their math diagnostic during math class and have the opportunity to try the independent lessons in math. This is new to all of us, so we will figure it out as we go. Thank you for your patience.
It was great seeing so many parents and guardians during back to school night. If you still have questions - or were unable to attend - please shoot me an email or give me a call.
Welcome to AY 2024-25:
Welcome to AY 2024-25:
I like to tell the kids that I'm "a hundred years old." While it's a slight exaggeration, it's fun to keep them guessing while teaching them about Hyperbole, an example of ironic speech. I've been at the Manor since 2008 and teaching middle school in the district since 2001. I completed my single subject teaching credential in English at Cal State East Bay (it was Hayward at the time), and earned my Bachelor's in English and American Literature at UC San Diego. My oldest grandchild is an incoming freshman at UC Santa Cruz and my youngest grandchildren were born in May and June of this year.
My goal is to improve your students' literacy skills, and we have some really good tools to do that. The old ones: talking to the text, Newsela, BrainPop and We will also utilize regular assessments with iReady to evaluate reading skills and develop an individualized program for improvement. I'm looking forward to seeing how this works.
Thanks and Reminders
- Thank you for removing "extra" caps and hoodies as you enter class.
- Thank you for putting your cell phone, earphones and airpods in your backpack during class. Check the school planner (page 18) or this link School device policy for more information.
- Thank you for having your planner and class materials and supplies handy and being ready to work.
- Thank you for being kind.
Hall Passes for the Restroom:
Recommended School Supplies and Classroom Guidelines
Suggested School Supplies
- Folder or notebook for ELA only
- One or two single subject spiral notebooks for ELA only
- Blue or black pens for daily work
- Pencils for sketching and drafting
- Loose Leaf Paper
- Colored pencils or markers
- Sticky Notes
- Highlighters
Grade Scale:
A = 93-100%
A- = 90 - 92.99
B+ = 87-89.99
B = 83 - 86.99
B- = 80 - 82.99
C+ = 77-79.99%
C = 73 - 76.99
C- = 70 - 72.99\
D = 60-69%
F = 59% and below
NM = Failing score with low attendance